First of all, I've been very busy with a lot of filming and auditions, not to mention having to spend some of my Adventure money to fix my car, leading to borderline desperation to make extra money before I leave in 7 weeks... And blogging has not been a priority.
Still, I thought I should at least write an entry updating you few regular readers.
Here goes...
I worked for the entire month of March on a feature film being shot here in Columbus as the full time Stand-In for the female cast members (and one of the guys...). One of the gents in the cast shared his crossword puzzles with me, the rest of the cast was very nice to work with, the crew was amazing, and I made a few friends I intend to keep for a very long time.
Try as I might, I was unable to hold off my car repairs until October, so a chunk of Adventure money went into the exhaust system. Thankfully, I found a wonderful, honest mechanic who fixed it for less than half what everyone else in the city wanted to charge (Buckeye Muffler in Clintonville gets my highest recommendation). This still leaves me a little short on travel money, hence a long list of things on my Facebook that I'm trying to sell, as well as upping production on my soaps and lotions and trying to recoup the loss.
Thankfully, I had my hotel budget set in stone and didn't have to spend any of it, so I went ahead and booked all of my hotels, B&Bs, and hostels in England and Scotland. My travel plans did alter a little when I was trying to book a place in Aberdeen and WOW! Aberdeen is expensive! So, one of the days when I'm in Edinburgh, I may (if I'm not enjoying Edinburgh too much) bus up to Aberdeen and spend the day on a castle trail. The interim days when I would have been staying in Aberdeen will now be spend in Glasgow, with a day trip to Sterling in there somewhere.
The best part is that I managed to come in under-budget on the accommodations, which is a real plus when the budget for every other part of the adventure is kinda questionable.,, and Trip Advisor were all terribly helpful in narrowing down my choices.
I've had some wonderful fun in a few auditions, and some very good days on film sets (Sebastian Stan has a fantastic smile, gotta say). I got to wear my 1950's style dress, get my hair all done up, wear lots of makeup, and avoid some super creepy mannequin heads on set of The Dormant Machine.
That was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see the finished short film!
I have no less than 5 friends who are moving this month. Really guys, March and October are great months to move. July is lousy for moving. It's hot, it's humid, it's miserable, and I have an SUV and access to a truck, so I help, despite the weather. In any case, moving friends with books is a decent workout :)
That's about all for now. I'm sure I'll have some fun new things to share before too long!