Three months working at an Irish pub was more than enough to remind me that I quit holding down a regular job to pursue acting for a reason, and landing a job on a month-long film production in Columbus gave me a way out.
That film in Columbus led to jobs on other films with some of the same crew (see my last post about Cleveland). I landed a job shooting a series of internal videos for Proctor & Gamble, which is really the only reason I have any money in my savings account, and it's got to last until the next big job because I don't want to wait tables again!
Then June happened. A friend had, months before, texted me about trying to fix me up with a friend of her husband, and we just weren't able to sync our schedules until June. To say that he's the best thing that ever happened to me is probably the understatement of the year. He came into my life at just the right time, and I think I'll keep him around for as long as he'll stay.
Skip ahead two months, and I spent almost three weeks in England and Scotland, exploring and eating and enjoying a different slice of life, my Awfully Big Adventure.
I set out to overhaul several rooms in the house, starting with my bathroom and the laundry room. Sadly, the bathroom won't be done before the New Year, but should be soon after, and the laundry room soon after that.
October was a spectacular month full of inventive dates and days out, and one instance of me being brave and cooking for Brad. It might have actually been good, but then again, he has told me numerous times that he will eat almost anything.
He took me to see the Lion King at the Ohio Theater for my birthday, spent Thanksgiving with my family, and went with me to the interview that landed me a job in Cleveland that lasted until two days before Christmas. Shopping was a bit of a scramble, let me tell you!
We lost some friends along the way, and there have been some tears shed over loved ones no longer with us.
It's been a full year, and traveling oversees and finding Brad have been the biggest highlights, but that's not to downplay the little things, the wonderful friends, and the new kitten that have rounded out what has, overall, been a fabulous year!
So, farewell 2014. May 2015 be pleasant and prosperous, full of friends, family, and fun, laden with love and laughter, better than the year before, and full of the knowledge that the best is yet to come. Be blessed in all your endeavors, and be a blessing to others at every opportunity. Make it a great year!