Thursday, August 25, 2011


I just realized it's been almost a year since I started this thing and I haven't contributed a single thought to it. I suppose I ought to remedy that.

Recently, I was seen on the set of Joss Whedon's THE AVENGERS. I was hired as a background artist for this project, finishing filming after 13.5 hours on set. It isn't the longest scene in the movie, but it's a pivotal plot point, and honestly, I was just honored to be a part of it.

Unlike some people (who were removed from the set for it) I won't break a confidentiality agreement. I was privvy to some potential spoilers on set, but I still don't know the whole story and I'm going to have to wait and see how it plays out, just like everyone else. Come May 4th of 2012 though, I won't be able to keep my mouth shut any longer!

So, until there is no longer a danger of spoilers, suffice it to say that I was in a room with Joss Whedon all day, I chatted with several of the crew and the 2nd Assistant Director (I even asked him if I could get hit with radiation and come back as the supervillain in the next movie - he thought it was hilarious), and I saw Chris Evans and a few other familiar faces. I also got the awesome opportunity to see the stunt crew in action up close; those guys are amazing to watch!

My sincere hope is that this first professional job will be the first step into my dream career. It was an incredible opportunity for me personally, and I hope it proves just as lucrative professionally.

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